SkiBike Tour 2011-12 - Tired, Bruised & Battered

Posted: Tuesday, 28 February 2012 by Mark Kinnon in Labels: , ,

I arrived home at 2am and haven't even unpacked the car yet, in several hours I will be on a plane flying to Sweden, home of Swedens only Freestyle Pegger SkiBike outfit BikerMads.
Sign of the Beast man.... rock'n'roll.


  1. Raymond says:

    Cool! Hope you will enjoy the visit. If I didn't live so far up north I would have joined you guys skibiking :)

    / Raymond

  1. Maybe next season, we can get the BikerMads team to the French and Swiss Alps. Miles and miles of pisted runs, huge areas of off-piste and mighty 1500m descents at the best places! Oh and I forgot to add..... not one single f**cking T-Bar!!