DIY Skibike - Building Some Skibike Stuff

Posted: Monday 19 December 2011 by Mark Kinnon in Labels: , ,

Today has been great, having recently completed all my outstanding work chores, it's now time to start building stuff. I can't explain exactly how it works, it doesn't matter what I build or repair, it all makes me terrifically happy.

For a while now, I've been wanting to built a proper rig for servicing my skibike skis. It would need to have a couple of clamps to hold the ski securely in place, but also still have plenty of clearance for the adapters.
Attacking my scrap wood pile with a vengeance I came up with this arrangement.

SkiBike work bench - here we go

It will probably seem very heavy duty and you wouldn't be wrong. But the high inertia will help a lot when scraping or filing down; the vintage drawers it sits on may need a little extra bracing though. Whilst on a roll, I set up some strong overhead lighting, all the better to be able to spot damage and imperfections.

I can't wait to get started now.