Mountain Bike - Riding Oxleas Wood

Posted: Tuesday 30 October 2012 by Mark Kinnon in Labels: ,

A change of plan last week meant that I took my godson on an epic ride (he's 11, so such things are relative) around the Shooters Hill area today in the suburbs of South East London. My ride was a restored Marin Muirwoods all terrain bike from the very early 1990s, a rigid bike with a steel frame. It's heavy, but dependable and perfect for a good yomp through the woods.

Marin Muirwoods - perfect for a good yomp through the woods.

The surprisingly enjoyable sections were through Oxleas Wood where it has been raining on and off for most of the last month. So it was a bit muddy in places, with some rooty climbs and plenty of squelchy leaves, however other sections were very quick and dry.

Part of the Green Chain Walk runs through Oxleas Wood

Oxleas Wood had plenty of trails ranging from wide avenues right down to narrow fox runs through the brambles. Technically, these are probably footpaths, but no one seemed to object and there were plenty of other wheel tracks dotted about.

The little tyke positively threw himself along the downhill sections with outrageous tail slides, I would love to get him on a skibike, maybe in a few years time.